HPV/Genital Warts

HPV/Genital Warts

This infection is well known for the bumps and lumps it causes in the genital area following infection. Most often, these growths have a cauliflower like appearance. Caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), many multi-partner sexually active individuals will contract this disease in their lifetimes.

HPV/Genital Warts don't necessarily pose a serious health risk, but we wouldn't recommend you go out of your way to get it either. You get us?

Common Symptoms:

  • Unusual itching or bleeding
  • Bumps or changes in consistency on your skin


  • visual inspection
  • Swab

There is currently no treatment for HPV, as a body's natural immune system treats the infection itself. Laser therapy and cryotherapy are meant to treat the aesthetic side of the disease – mainly warts and growths. This often causes localized skin irritation, ulceration, and pain or discomfort. If not treated, the only long-lasting side effect will be the presence of genital warts.


If you would like to find out if you have genital warts, books an appointment for the test, it's quick and easy!

Book now! (Click at the link at the top of this page!)